
Check out the NEW blog!

Hey!  So if you're still following this blog, you've probably noticed that I haven't posted in a while!  Well, I've started a NEW blog, Gracie's Good Life!  So check it out!  I'm still keeping this blog, but for other purposes!  Thank you!

With love,



Writing for a New Purpose

As some of you may know, as of a few days ago, I was more of a life/fashion blogger.  I'm deciding to change what I write.  Ever since I was a toddler, I have loved art.  I used to enjoy painting and doing crafts all the time.  Due to my lack of time and discipline, I have given up beauty/diy/fashion blogging.  Why?  Not because I don't like it, but because I have realized that it has taken my focus off of learning.  Around a year ago, I began taking online training courses to learn Adobe Illustrator.  Eventually, I got so busy that I forgot about it and got way behind.  I realized that my tutorial/fashion blogging, wasn't getting me anywhere and was just taking my focus off of more important things.  So, I decided to write about more useful things.  I'm starting this blog for sort of a journal/collection of things that inspire me.  I want to inspire others to do and try new things.  I may post pictures or quotes.  Just anything that helps me with design or just thinking in general.  Some posts may be more personal than others.  I also will not have a set date for each post.  Because we all know inspiration may not come for a while and then show up all at once.  For example, if I see someone or something amazing I may just write about it on here.  If I travel to a new place, I'll type up some posts for it.  I just won't post them until I get back(for safety reasons).  If you wonder what types of design software I use, go to the About page.  I hope I can somehow help other people be inspired to do new things, both in design and in life.  Thanks for reading!  I'll post again soon!

With love,
